Saturday, January 13, 2007

KFC - Alaskan Fish vs ZInger MaxX

I tried the Kentucky Fried Chicken(KFC)'s Alaskan Fish Burger today. My friend decided to try it out, so I figured, "What the heck, just tried 2 burgers". I have tried Zinger MaxX before and I have to say that it was really great and I really love it.

However, the Alaskan Fish Burger was quite bad actually. Perhaps it is the sauce I think. The red sauce in the burger makes it taste weird. KFC claims that there is 30% more fish inside the burger. Hmm, I wonder which consumer will actually go and measure whether there is 30% more fish inside? They can even say that there is 50% fish inside.

Anyway, there is no harm trying right? At least that I know now how it taste like, I won't eat it anymore. For others who wish to try, go to this vkeong's website and download the online voucher where you can get 20% discount.

So I guess the winner for my choice goes to Zinger Maxx.....

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