Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Door - The Most Suspenseful Thing

I got this idea few months back. I was wondering what was the most suspenseful thing, and it just hit my mind that it is a door.

A person who does not know what lies behind the door, is always wondering what is there to be found behind it. Whether it is a door that leads to a long, abandon house, or a lift door, or a door to a new house, it brings suspense to a person. It is just a matter of perspective on how you look at it, as for me, it does brings me wonders, although you might not feel the same. Just have a thought about it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Door - The Most Suspenseful Thing = Future - The Most Unpredictable Thing...
Wouldn't it be nice if we can predict our future?Everyone would like to foresee what does the future hold but it is far beyond everyone's limit.Hence, all we can do is to leave it to fate and have faith in ourselves.Also, we have to treasure and appreciate every single moment we have now so that there will be no regret/regrets in future.In years to come, everyone of us will definitely look back on what happened today(at present).Perhaps some of us will be contented with our own life, perhaps some of us will have regret/regrets for not achieving or doing something in life.So, why not choose the former than the latter?Live life to the everyday like there is no tomorrow.Treasure, appreciate, and love yourself and also your loved ones because you do not know what will happen tomorrow and the days ahead of you.Basically, similar to the meaning of your post, life is really full of suspense...just simply unpredictable, Mr. FcuK...