Thursday, November 02, 2006

Tesco #3 - Battle of the Cokes

Went to tesco again as usual. Looking for things to blog again as usual, and finally we have saw a fight between 2 Cokes. It was awesome I tell you, both with their own strength and weaknesses, battling out each other.

As you can see, the original Coke has Wayne Rooney (A Manchester United football player), as their representative on the can of the Coke, while the Tesco Coke has itself only to battle the enemy.

This shows that if one drinks the original Coke, one could be Wayne Rooney in the future or it tells that Wayne Rooney drinks Coke too. While if you take Tesco Coke, you get nothing, except with more change in your pocket.

It was really funny to see a Tesco Coke....

Original Coke cost RM 1.05 a can.

While, Tesco Coke cost only RM 0.57 a can.

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