Friday, July 06, 2007

Singapore Trip 06/07/07 - Day 6

Woke up quite early today, as today would be quite a busy day. After all the morning preparation, including breakfast, I headed down to Singapore Expo to have a look at the building structure and what is located nearby. Knowing that it is actually too early for the place to be filled with people, I have no choice but to take a shot to explore.
As I expected, it was very quiet. There were more than 10 halls at Singapore Expo. This plan was actually part of a wing of Singapore Expo. It basically reminded me of Penang's International Sports Arena (PISA).

After walking a while in a quiet big structure building, I headed down to Changi Airport to await the arrival of my mom, sister and aunt. I actually thought of selling an unused SG$ 10 Public Phone Card of mine in the airport by shouting and asking people, but I changed my mind. I guess I have to sell it on the net for a lower price.
After meeting with them, we took a taxi heading down to InterContinental Hotel at Bugis. I would actually love to take MRT, rather than taxi, as I like walking. Just for your information, the hotel was not paid by ourselves, as this was actually a wedding trip for us (excluding me, as it is a holiday and wedding). Therefore, the hotel billed is being paid by the father of my cousin who is getting married, which in short means my uncle.

After checking in, I had to go back to my aunt's house to get my luggage. MRT, my favourite way of traveling, got me there and back to the Hotel, while the rest (all females) went for shopping. What can I expect from them, as they are XX based.
In the evening, we headed down to Neptune Court at Marine Vista for dinner as the going to be groom's family was holding a small function dinner for all the relatives of both the groom and bride, or maybe I should say bride and groom.
The wedding car for tomorrow. Yeah, it is a BMW. I'm not sure who owns it though, but what a car for a wedding occasion. I have seen people using old Minis as wedding cars. I feel that Minis would be so much better.
Headed back to the hotel after dinner to get ready for a super busy day tomorrow. A beautiful environment of the lobby can be seen. Good night...

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