Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Rants on Fast Food #1 - Expensive McDonald Burger

The prices of McDonald Burgers here are getting really expensive, especially Filet o' Fish and McChicken. Filet o' Fish was only RM 4.00 last time and now it had went above RM 5.00 . The price is really expensive now. That is why now I will normally order Filet o' Fish Chicken burger and McEgg or perhaps Banana Pie.

That is why they are giving all the coupons lately to promote people to buy them. Anyway, if prices increased, the portion should stay the same. Check the burger below out and you will see that the portion has shrink, and it is just a slice of cheese....
This is what advertisement showed for Filet o' Fish.
Source from http://www.tabledescalories.com/photos/aliments/1152.jpg

This is what I got for buying Filet o' Fish. Look at the little cheese given.

1 comment:

eXPeri3nc3 said...

Lol... It is RM5.70 in Sunway Piramid. =_=||||